DB Cargo network map

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We connect Europe and beyond

DB Cargo's strong network.


We connect Europe and beyond

DB Cargo's strong network.

A strong network

From Scandinavia to southern Italy and from the Atlantic to Asia: DB Cargo offers fast, high-frequency connections and solutions for various industries. +++The dashed line is currently only possible as a transit connection. +++

Germany Asia Southeast South North Northwest Southwest
  • DB239867
  • DB243968
  • DB239866
  of 3
End of the slider


Our most important relations.

Whether from north to south or from west to China: you will always find the right offer with our block train or single wagon transports on the most important routes in Europe and Asia.

Environmentally friendly and sustainable.

Lorries can also transport by rail.

DB Cargo takes 22 million lorries off our congested roads every year.

One freight train replaces up to 52 lorries

This creates space on motorways and frees roads from congestion.

Up to 50% reduction in external costs

Trains cause fewer large-scale problems than lorries: they experience fewer accidents, cause less damage to the environment and have a reduced impact on landscapes.

CO2 emissions are 80% lower

Nothing beats trains when it comes to climate-friendly transport. They emit up to 80% less CO2 than lorries and 40% less CO2 than inland waterway vessels.

Innovative and digital

DB Cargo's digital and environmentally friendly innovations provide unique added value when using our networks and connections.


Digital automatic coupling (DAC)

Simpler, cheaper and more efficient, the digital automatic coupling (DAC) creates more capacity on the rails. It does so by creating a mechanical connection between the wagons without the shunting staff having to lift a finger. 

Learn more about DAC


HVO: the green fuel of the future

With internal combustion engines set to run out of fuel in the long term, there is a need for renewable fuels.One possibility is hydrogenated vegetable oil (HVO) fuel, which serves as a green substitute for diesel.

Learn more about HVO


Bi-mode locomotives

Environmentally friendly electric locomotives make up 95% of the tractive output on the DB Cargo rail network. The bi-mode locomotive was developed to cover the last mile to the customer’s non-electrified private siding.

Learn more about bi-mode locomotives

Do you have any questions? We are happy to help.

DB Cargo AG